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Abstraction in Python

Abstraction Abstraction means hiding the non essential details and showing only essential detail .Abstraction is used to hide the internal functionality of th…
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Method Overriding in Python

Method Overriding      Method overriding is a type of polymorphism in which a child class which is extending the parent class can provide different definition…
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Method Overloading in python

Method Overloading     Method overloading or function overloading is a type of polymorphism in which we can define a number of methods with the same name but…
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Polymorphism in Python

Polymorphism   Polymorphism contains two words " poly " and " morph ", poly means many and morphs means forms , shape . By polymorphism, …
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Types of Inheritance

Types of Inheritance
Type of Inheritance Depending upon the number of child and parent classes involved, there are four types of inheritance in python. Single Inheritance. Multip…
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Inheritence in Python

Inheritence      Inheritence is the most important aspect of object oriented programming which simmulates the real world concept of inheritence. It specifies …
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Encapsulation in Python

Encapsulation        Encapsulation is the process of making groups of objects . Encapsulation means binding variables and methods under single entity. In enc…
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