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Showing posts with label Python Programming Quizes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python Programming Quizes. Show all posts

Python Quiz 8

Q:1. In Python, a class is created by _________ keyword, and to create ________ of the class, we will have to use constructor of class. Answer :   2.      c…
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Python Quiz 7

Q:1. Naming convention of a module of a python file is ? Answer :       4.     All of the above Q:2. The following code is saved in a file p…
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Python Quiz 6

Q.1 : In Python, Answer :   4.         All of the above Q.2: Assume that the 'min' function computes the minimum of two values, and 'max' f…
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Python Quiz 5

Q.1: What does the following Python3 code do? (using python 3.x version) :         n=int(input(" Enter a number? "))         i=1         while( i<…
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Python Quiz 4

Q:1. How do you declare a dictionary in Python> Answer : 2. dict={" key ":" value "} Q:2. What will be the output of the following …
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Python Quiz 3

Q:1 . If  :-           A=set(' python ')          B=set(' programming ')          Then what will be the output of          print(A-B)? Answer…
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Python QUIZ 2

Q:1. If list=['red','blue','green','yellow'] , What will be the output of :                list.pop('blue')           …
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python QUIZ-1 Questions and Answers

Q:1. What is the first step in write a program?   Answer :  Write Code     Q:2.Logical solution is a _______ and clear ________ procedure to solve the probl…
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