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Sequence Type in Python

Sequence Type in Python
In Python sequence is the ordered collection of similer or different data types.Sequences allows to store multiple values in an organized and efficient way. Th…
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Data Types in Python

What is data type?         Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can …
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python QUIZ-1 Questions and Answers

Q:1. What is the first step in write a program?   Answer :  Write Code     Q:2.Logical solution is a _______ and clear ________ procedure to solve the probl…
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Python development life cycle

Python development life cycle
There are some steps to describe the life cycle of python programming development:- Write your program or edit (modify or change if required) your program. R…
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Identifier and keywords in python

An Identifier      An identifier is a name given to program elements such as variable,classes and functions etc.     An identifier is a sequence of letters, di…
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Variable in python

Variable A variable is a named location used to store data   in the memory. it is helpful to think of variables as a container that holds data which can be ch…
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What is Python Programming?

What is Python? Python is a general purpose and high level language. Python is a popular programming language it was created by " Guido Van Rossum "…
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