python QUIZ-1 Questions and Answers

 Q:1. What is the first step in write a program?

 Answer :  Write Code    

Q:2.Logical solution is a _______ and clear ________ procedure to solve the problem, known as ______.

Answer : finite, step-by-step, Algorithm

Q:3. Python is an ________ language (unlike C,C++,Java).

Answer : Interpreted programming

Q:4. What is the extension of a python file?

Answer : .Py

Q:5. In python variables can be thought of as _________.

Answer : containers

Q:6. which function is used to get a string in Title Cases (First letter of each word in Capital)?

Answer : title()

Q:7. Which function is used to get rid of the blank spaces on the left?

Answer : lstrip()

Q:8. A Python Program is a sequence of ________ and _________.

Answer : classes and objects

Q:9. What will be the output of : type(3.5)?

Answer : class 'float'

Q:10. What will be the output of : int(2.5)?

Answer : 2

Q:11. Any input that you take in Python is of _______ data type.

Answer : str

Q:12. What is the output of the following : 4//5?

Answer : 0

Q:13. What will be the value stored in y? : x,y,z=1,2,3

Answer : 2

Q:14. Which of the following is a valid identifier or variable?

Answer : well_1

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