Data Representation

 Data is a collection of row facts which is processed to deduce information. There may be different forms in which data may be presented. Some of the forms of data used in communication are as follows-

1. Text : Text includes combination of alphabets in small case as well as upper case. It is stored as a pattern of bits.

2. Numbers : Numbers include combinations of digits from 0 to 9. It is stored as a pattern of bits.

3. Images : A image is a worth of thousand words. In computers images are digitally stored. A pixel is the smallest element of an image. A picture or an image is a matrix of pixel elements.

The pixels are represented in the form of bits. depending upon the type of an image(Black & White or color) each pixel would require different numbers of bits to represent the value of a pixel.

4. Audio : Data can also be in the form of sound which can be recorded and broadcasted. Audio data is continuous not discrete. Example what we hear on the radio is a source of data or information.

5. Video : video refers to broadcasting of data in the form of picture or movie.

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