Intrusion Detection System

Before understanding about the IDS we should know that what is an Intruder

Intruder is just a person who is trying to getting or gaining an unauthorized access to a particular network or system. He can corrupt our network or our system as well as he can steal our personal or sensitive (confidential) information by getting unauthorized access.

Now let us understand that what is an Intrusion?

Intrusion is an unauthorized access by an Intruder or misuse of our computer system or network.means Intrusion is  an activity which is performed by the Intruder.

So there is a system to detect the intrusion in our system or network is called Intrusion Detection System (IDS).

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) refers to the process of identifying attempts to penetrate a system and gain unauthorized access.

An Intrusion Detection System is a software/hardware design to detect unwanted attempts to accessing of target application or system.

If an intrusion is detected quickly enough, the intruder can be identified and ejected from the system before any damage is done or any data are compromised.

Even if the detection is not sufficiently time to preempt the intruder, the sooner that the intrusion detected, the less the amount of damage and more quickly recovery can be achieved. 

Roles of an IDS 

  • It monitors continuously our computer network.
  • Determine the suspicious activity in network traffic.
  • If any suspicious activity if found then alert that activity and block the IP address of that user.

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